Model 590, deadzone phantom


B-mode phantoms

Doppler phantoms

Examples of Custom Design Phantoms

Examples of test data of phantoms


Preserving the phantoms

About Danish Phantom Design


Description and specifications:

Dimensions: 10 cm wide, 2 cm high and 3 cm deep.

The phantom mass is made of plastic. I contains 1000 glass spheres with a diameter of 100 micron pr. cm3 .

Attenuation of background material: high.

Sound speed of background material: ~1450 m/sec.

Outer dimensions: 18 cm * 6 cm * 9 cm.

Weight: 0,4 kg.



Use large amount of scanning jelly or if the transducer can tolerate it, just water.

Optimize the focus to the near field.

Move the transducer slowly from side to side.

Notice the distance to the closest glass spheres that can be distinguished.